Career Prospects

Web design is an in-demand, creative field with a positive job outlook. A career in this field offers multiple opportunities for specialization and growth, rewarding those with specific skills in areas such as user interface design or computer programming.

Web designers are most commonly employed by design firms that contract their service to clients, though many work as self-employed freelancers or work in-house for large businesses that are regularly building or updating web applications. They will most frequently work as part of large teams of designers and developers when working on large projects, but they may also find themselves working on individual smaller assignments, particularly if they are working as freelancers. Web Designers may specialize in working on specific elements or aspects of webpages or digital applications, such as building user interfaces or working on the tactile elements of a webpage to build a positive user experience.

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Open entry

Web Designing
Certificate in Web Design and Online Marketing
.Online Marketing
Skills/Competences gained
.Creating and designing websites
.Website maintenance
.Online marketing
.Digital marketing
Opportunities - most entrepreneurial
.Web developer
.Web master
.Online marketing specialist
.Digital marketing specialist